Local installations are emerging as major location based entertainment businesses
Entertainment locations of the future will be smaller and appeal to niche interests, such as the arts, sports, video games, and the like. We are starting to see retail companies take on the development of entertainment ideas as anchors and activities in malls. Hudson Yards in New York City, recently opened Snark Park, an immersive, exploratory environment with serene internal vistas, unique textures, and much more of an art vibe than a typical themed entertainment venue. Snark Park is one of four major attractions at the development: The Vessel (a massive, climbable piece of sculpture), The Shed (an adaptable performance art space), and their observation deck scheduled for opening in late 2019.
The current installation at Snark Park is "Lost and Found," a monochromatic space where the guests themselves bring the color, through their imaginations or by their movement through the ethereal environments.

Snark Park is to be saluted as a great experiment backed by The Related Company and Snarkitecture. Hopefully, if my prediction is correct, we will see more micro-entertainment venues across the globe.